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Supporters of

Physical Donations

Although there has been hundreds of hours dedicated to the collection of information, there are still many gaps. The only way to fill these gaps is through the knowledge and resources from ELizabethton High School alumni. There have already been a small group of people that have donated or loaned us year books, rosters, and have suppled information. There is a very low financial overhead for this site so money is not needed, however, opportunities exist for data collection, photography, and research. Please contact us if you would like to get involved. 

Special thanks to those listed below for investing your time and resources to benefit the website. Team

Supporters of

     Although there has been hundreds of hours dedicated to researching and documentation of information for this site, there are still many gaps to be filled. The only way to fill in the blanks is through the knowledge and resources of the Elizabethton High School alumni. We have already received assistance from several alumni assisting us with the donation of year books, rosters, and some have supplied information such as names and team information. The vast majority of the site has been formed from these year books, scrap books, game programs and the knowledge and memory of alumni and fans.

     There are two sets of year books currently available to the team. The larger and more comprehensive set is kept in the EHS library. This set contains most of the annuals although some are damaged. The second smaller set is kept at a secure offsite location. We would love to continue to build on these libraries and would eventually like to have two complete sets although that is unlikely. We are also building a photo library for each year.

If you have any EHS yearbooks that you would be willing to donate for use by this site, your donation would be appreciated more than you know. They will be safely kept for use and preservation and never given away or sold. Another great resource is scrap books that have been kept. They contain information, rosters, newspaper clippings and other items that are absolute treasures. We have had a couple donated or loaned to us to collect data from.

     If you have yearbooks, team rosters, etc., that you are not willing to part with but would be willing to loan, we can take the items and preserve them digitally for use and return the items back to you unharmed. 

     There is a very low financial overhead for this site so money is not needed, however, opportunities exist for data collection, photography, and research. Please contact us if you would like to get involved. 

Special thanks to those listed below for investing your time and resources to benefit the website. Team

Physical Donations

Given By  

Bill Carter 

Cecelia Hickman Porch 

Chris Little

Vera Meredith Peters 

Class of:





Item Donated

Year Book

Year Books




Football (4 yrs) Defense and Kicker

Donated 1954-1955-1956

Football (Copies of 77 & 78 FB rosters)

Flag Football, Volleyball

Item Loans

Given By  

Willie Holsclaw 

Richard VanHuss       

Class of:



Item Donated

1957 Year Book

Various Year Books




Provided Information

Given By

Rocky Davenport

Bob Orfield

Tracy Pritchard Shepard

Becky Berry

Class of:






Baseball (3 yrs.), All Conference, Senior All Star



Basketball (3 yrs.)

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