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Elizabethton High School


This site dedicated to the

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EHS  Class of '78





Welcome to the Elizabethton High School's sports archives website. Within the pages of this site you will find information, historical photos, scores, statistics and many other facts relating to sports associated with the Fighting Cyclones.

This site is dedicated to anyone that has ever proudly supported the Orange and Black. This includes all coaches, athletes, cheerleaders, musicians, assistants and fans. 

First Touchdown Scored in Citizens Bank Stadium (SEP 4, 2015)

Descedents of A. L. "John" Treadway present for new EHS Gymnasium surface dedication.

The staff of have invested countless hours of research and design to create this site. However, there still are several gaps in our photo library and information database. If you have any further information, photos, corrections or comments concerning this or any other page on this site, please contact the site administrator at or by clicking the icon below.

This site will always be free to the public and is funded and maintained by Elizabethton Cylcone sports alumni.

Click to hear the EHS "Betsy" Band playing

"Go Ye Ole Betsy".

Click to Play

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